mom working on phone

10 Engaging Content Ideas for Moms to Post on Instagram

May 21, 2024

Feeling stuck on what to post on Instagram? We’ve all been there. Here are 10 engaging content ideas that’ll keep your followers entertained and your profile growing.


Before you start just imagine turning your daily Instagram scrolls into a business right from your kitchen table, between homework help and meal preps. It's not just a dream! 'How To Grow & Monetize Your Instagram - A Guide For Busy Moms' is your step-by-step companion in navigating the bustling world of Instagram, tailored specifically for supermoms like you. This guide doesn’t just scratch the surface—it dives deep into practical, actionable strategies that fit into your hectic schedule, helping you grow your followers, engage effectively, and start earning money. Whether you're looking to fund those ballet classes or build a nest egg, let’s make every swipe and post on Instagram count towards your goals!


1. Daily Life Snippets

Share a glimpse of your everyday life. Whether it’s a coffee break, a playdate, or a quiet moment, your followers will love seeing the real you. Ideas include:

  • Morning routines
  • School drop-offs and pick-ups
  • Cozy family evenings


2. Parenting Tips

Got some parenting wisdom? Share it! Tips, hacks, and advice are always appreciated by other moms. Consider:

  • Sleep training techniques
  • Meal prep ideas for kids
  • Time management tips


Ready for the next step? Learn how to craft your ideal client so that you can create valuable content for your audience. Read Blog



3. Fun Activities with Kids

Show off the fun activities you do with your kids. DIY crafts, outdoor adventures, or even simple games can be great content. Some ideas:

  • Crafting with everyday items
  • Backyard adventures
  • Educational games and activities



4. Family Recipes

Share your favorite family recipes. Whether it’s a quick snack or a special dinner, food posts are always a hit. You can post:

  • Step-by-step cooking videos
  • Family favorite meals
  • Healthy snack ideas for kids


Learn how to create reels that stabd out and attract the right audience. Read Blog



5. Inspirational Quotes

Post inspirational or funny quotes that resonate with you. It’s a great way to engage and motivate your followers. For example:

  • Motivational quotes for moms
  • Funny parenting moments
  • Uplifting quotes for tough days


6. Behind the Scenes

Give a behind-the-scenes look at your life. It could be preparing for a family outing or organizing your home. Ideas include:

  • Preparing for a family trip
  • Home organization hacks
  • Behind the scenes of a family photo shoot


Read this blog and learn How to Create a Captivating Instagram Profile!


7. Q&A Sessions

Engage your followers with Q&A sessions. It’s a fun way to interact and let them know more about you. Use these prompts:

  • “Ask me anything about parenting!”
  • “Curious about how I manage work and family?”
  • “What’s your biggest mom challenge?”


8. Collaborations

Partner with other moms or brands for collaborations. This can help you reach a wider audience and provide fresh content. Consider:

  • Guest posts or takeovers
  • Joint giveaways
  • Co-hosting live sessions



9. User-Generated Content

Share content from your followers. This not only engages your community but also shows appreciation. Ideas include:

  • Reposting follower stories
  • Highlighting follower’s creative ideas
  • Hosting a photo challenge and sharing the best entries


Want to take your reels to the next level, and create content that stands out goes viral and turns views into followers?! - Grab our guide here!


10. Milestones and Achievements

Celebrate your milestones and achievements, whether personal or related to your Instagram growth. Post about:

  • Birthday celebrations
  • Instagram follower milestones
  • Personal achievements and goals


These content ideas will keep your feed fresh and engaging. Mix them up and see what resonates most with your audience.

Happy posting!


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Happy travels, super moms! 🌟